For starters, you can view both PowerPoint and Office documents on this phone with the built in viewer. The phone has BPP and Pictbridge so that you can even use the phone for printing out copies of them.
I can use the phone to stay in full communication with my clients and the office and I have a variety of ways to do that. I can obviously use the phone for making and receiving calls, and the phone has full Internet capabilities as well. Since most of my clients prefer to communicate using Internet technologies - whether it's a voice over Internet type of application, Instant Messaging or Email - accessing the Internet is a business critical function for me to have the consistent and constant ability to use. This phone has all of those capabilities in spades.
The address book allows 1000 entries in memory, and there's 228 megabytes of storage space, which is the maximum the address book will store. There's a MicroSD slot that supports up to 8 gigabytes of storage.
Samsung has worked very hard at providing international users with all the tools they need to get the maximum use out of this phone. You can keep track of time around the world with it. UK users will find that there is even the Irish language available for use. You'll also find a currency converter for traveling.
It's not unusual for me to find a good use for the video recording in working with my clients, as well. The phone can record and then send a video file or a voice memo message as an attachment to my clients and my team.
There's a Personal Information Management system not including the address book. There's a calendar, a to do list, a memo book and a notes function. You can synchronize your information with your PC or laptop using SyncML and you can use the pretty ubiquitous USB to do it.
The camera takes photos in resolutions up to 5 megabytes. The phone has a built in Power LED light as well as a built in flash. There's a 4x digital zoom and the phone has built in editing abilities.
The standard sized battery will last up to 3 hours on talk time with up to 250 hours of standby time.
Essentially, this phone is one of the smallest offices I've ever seen, because it offers much of the same capability that an office would. It's a beautiful, sleek workhorse and I have yet to find a good reason to avoid recommending, so - as the saying goes - it gets "two thumbs up" from us.
source : http://ezinearticles.com/
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